Tax and Privacy Information for Contributions

As a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization, donations to the Rochester Public School Foundation are tax deductible to the full extent of law. Our EIN (Tax ID#) is 41-1628288. RPSF offers no refunds on donations. Data collected by RPSF is for internal use only and will not be divulged unless required for audit or legal reasons. We respect your privacy!

Gifts of Securities, Gifts in Kind, Planned Giving

If you desire to transfer stock, other securities or non-cash gifts to the Rochester Public School Foundation, or to discuss the benefits of making a planned gift sometime in the future, please contact RPSF President at

Your gift will make a huge difference for the efforts of the Rochester Public School Foundation!

Create Named Chair, Memorial or Scholarship

While a gift of $25K or more is suggested, any amount of $10K or greater is acceptable to begin a perpetual endowment that develops investment income to honor a deserving teacher, student or project. We ask that your smaller gifts are made to RPSF's non-restricted general fund. For information, please contact President at:

Cash or Check

Matching Donations

Your donation to Rochester Public School Foundation will have an increased impact if your employer matches donations. Simply ask your employer if they have a matching program, than send the completed paperwork required for the program with your donation. RPSF's EIN (Tax ID#) number is 41-1628288. We will than communicate with you employer to receive the matching donation.

Ways to Give Donations

Securely Online to the Rochester Public School Foundation via PayPal

Rochester Public School Foundation
​201 8th Street NW​
​Rochester, MN 55901

We welcome mailed donations.  If a gift, please let us know who to send the Thank You note to. Make your check payable to Rochester Public School Foundation. Send the envelope to us at: